
We want to do everything we can to help you discover more about us and how we can enjoy Jesus together.

We would love to meet you on a Sunday or at any of our groups during the week.

Craig & Amanda

Craig Amanda SamThis is Craig & Amanda with their son Sam. Since 2010, Craig & Amanda Cunningham have worked in the town of Trinidad, in one of Bolivia’s poorer regions. Their work is on two fronts. Firstly with Fundación Totaí, a ministry established in 2004 which seeks to provide essential services to the community at a low cost, promote the training of local workers and, above all, proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Secondly they are engaged with their local church, El Jireh, supporting various aspects of its ministry. 

In the summer of 2017 a team of seven people from SEC traveled to  Bolivia to work alongside Craig & Amanda both in El Jireh church and in Fundación Totaí. The team comprised the Kelly family (Laurence, Penny, Aidan, Duncan and Hannah), Ethel Cunningham and Sarah Wadsworth. During their two week stay in Trinidad they were involved in many different forms of service including a five-day children's club, leading bible studies, sports events, giving their testimonies and being involved in church services.

Handing over the SEC banner to El Jireh church

This picture shows a banner created by some of the ladies at SEC being handed over by some members of the team to the folks of El Jireh church, as a symbol of shared fellowship. 



To keep up to date with their ministry and life in Bolivia, visit their blog here.